Wednesday, September 2, 2020
Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 4
Culture - Essay Example Under this range, the paper will set up similitudes as well as contrasts by investigating social or strict conventions, images, or convictions from my social foundation. Discoveries delineate that culture crosses along wide measures and accordingly, it tends to be or show up as a heap of numerous things that ranges from the food individuals eat to the manners by which individuals dress. It can even look to disclose how to get and set up the said food. There are enormous quantities of variables that impact an individualââ¬â¢s culture. In any case, normal contemplations propose that when one brings the issue of culture into a discussion, culture becomes something that is thin and characterized (Havilland 44). In that capacity, certain individuals characterize it as just a territory in which one lives in. Note that, structures of a family that involve things, for example, propensities for a network, desires and sex jobs can have incredible effect on the manners by which one views anotherââ¬â¢s culture. The ethnic foundation of an individual or a gathering gives a venturing stone towards in regards to a specific kind of culture. When develops in a family, the person takes up after the ethnic foundation of the individual family. This implies, society impacts someoneââ¬â¢s social reaction towards laws, ethics, and decides of that society. Keeping practices and sticking to rules of the given society shapes oneââ¬â¢s lifestyle, which thusly clarifies their way of life (Samovar, Porter, and McDaniel 102). Remember that, when one gets degenerate of these principles and laws of the general public as portrayed by the way of life, the person is at risk for discipline. Concerning this perspective, it gets principal for one to acknowledge and become familiar with the social laws and decides of the general public that he lives in, so as to keep away from superfluous disciplines (Havilland 61). Since our social things makes out of a wide scope of social effects, our every day
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Competing views of the entrepreneur
Contending perspectives on the business visionary The term business person has become to have an expansive definition throughout the years, with numerous creators bantering over the kinds of attributes that make up an individual who can be classed as enterprising. The word initially originated from the French significance one who takes between however throughout the years the term has created with differing definitions from scholastic writing, the media and regularly individuals classed as business visionaries themselves, causing incredible trouble in finding an all inclusive definition. In the late eighteenth Century, Cantillion and Say from the French way of thinking were among the first to perceive the job of the business visionary. Cantillion previously characterized business people as a daring individual, purchasing at a specific cost and selling at an unsure cost. (Refered to in Blaug 1986:220) Jean-Baptiste Say supported this up by expressing business visionaries are the rotate of the economy, a vehicle for monetary change. Deakins and Freel (2009). In the years to come, further ideas of business people were created and contended among scholastics. By inspecting the contrasting assessments from a wide range of creators since the job was first recognized, during that time where the significance has gotten different and contentions have surfaced over the genuine importance of enterprise, I would like to clarify whether the term is so muddled to render it useless or discover some method of giving it some evident normal definition in todays society. To examine the changing feelings and meanings of the business person effectively, it is imperative to think about perspectives on all parts of being a business visionary. By Looking into how business visionaries have thoughts for new pursuits, the consequences for the economy, the quantity of business visionaries and the kinds of thoughts they have and ways they become innovative. As a beginning stage it appears to be all scholastics and speakers regarding the matter view business people as happenstance spotters Shapero A (1975) builds up this further expressing In practically the entirety of the definitions, there is understanding that it incorporates activity taking, sorting out and revamping of social and financial systems to turn assets and circumstances to viable record and the acknowledgment of hazard or disappointment Muzyka and Birley (2000:31) add to this thought expressing No one should call themselves a fruitful business person until they have caught a chance. The premise of pioneering discusses is based around two principle points of view from differentiating creators of the Austrian way of thinking; these incorporate the Kirznerian viewpoint established by Israel Kirzner and the Schumpeterian point of view presented by Joseph Schumpeter. The birthplace of this long standing discussion was around data and whether enterprising open doors were gotten from new data (Schumpeter 1934) or access to beforehand blocked off data. (Kirzner 1973) Kirzner clarifies how individuals utilize the data they have to come to choices about the most ideal method of joining their assets in framing a decent or administration offering to a market. Be that as it may if this blend of assets isn't working to full effectiveness, there is potential to utilize an alternate mix of assets so as to make a more noteworthy benefit. Gaglio and Katz (2001) unite this thought by clarifying how enterprising open doors include the creation or recognizable proof of new closures and implies that have gone unnoticed by other market members. Anyway the clashing Schumpeterian see centers around new data, contending that adjustments in innovation, political powers, guideline, large scale financial variables and social patterns make new data, used to make another blend of assets to create expanded benefits. (Schumpeter 1934). For instance deregulation in the aircraft business as Thompson (2004:301) clarifies when new carriers were permitted to fly into and out of Heathrow just because since 1977, it permitted access to new data for potential participants to enter the market. Moreover enhancements in innovative procedures have prompted pioneering action in the development of music players for instance, from the sound tape player through to the mass interactive media players of today, for example, the IPod. Schultz (1975) contends that business is an equilibrating procedure, whereby circumstances of disequilibria brought about by advertise members not working at most extreme proficiency are managed by business people following up on access to the vital data to achieve balance. Especially like Kirzner (1973) who both express that the business person reallocates assets utilizing the most effective technique. Anyway not at all like Kirzner, Schultz contends that the procedure requires some investment and harmony is frequently realized back by experimentation or human asset speculation. (Iversen et al 2008) Klein and Cook (2005:4) clarified this in their exploration on the human capital way to deal with business enterprise, utilizing ranchers for instance of how they should manage a succession of many varying changes, particularly in such an atomistic industry, making any alterations a lot lengthier. As an unmistakable difference to this methodology, Schumpeter (1934) contended that business enterprise achieves the procedure of inventive obliteration, which Ellison (2002:136) characterizes as the dynamic disequilibrium fashioned by the advancing business person, with his innovative as opposed to versatile reactions to circumstances. Schumpeter proposed that business people upset the current framework by moving creation limitations and tenderizing about new innovation which places an economy into disequilibrium. Swedburg (2000:46) further clarifies Schumpeters hypothesis of business enterprise by expressing that the business person assembles another mix; consolidating previously existing materials and in this manner produces something novel and creative. Anyway Steyaert and Hjorth (2004) clarified how Schumpeters Disequilibrium mirrors the presence of instructive asymmetry about new wellsprings of benefit potential implying that specific gatherings of individuals may approach data in front of others which opens up circumstances. Knight (1921) contended that if change could be anticipated makers could prepare and accordingly effectively kill any benefit potential. As Mises (1949:297) builds up this expressing how, benefit openings emerge from changes unanticipated by the lion's share. Schumpeter (1934) utilized his innovative obliteration hypothesis to announce the incidental quality of the business visionary, he accepted that enterprise was a transitory ascribe to a person, as a rush of inventive devastation that dislodged old strategies brought about lively impersonation by contenders. Parker (2004:41) clarified how after imaginative devastation, eventually security would be reestablished and business enterprise would arrive at a brief end before the following rush of inventive annihilation. McDaniel (2002) concurred with Schumpeters thought in that when another item enters the market that is new and one of a kind is gives the business visionary a brief situation as monopolist. Then again Scranton (1993) advances the thought of sequential business visionaries and there presence since the beginning of industrialisation. Sequential business visionaries are the individuals who continually purchase and offer organizations to remain innovative. Corridor (1995) limits this wide definition proposing how the individual claims one business after another however just own each in turn. This sort of business person challenges Schumpeters brief business person and recommends that people can be continually enterprising Scholars further discussion the recurrence of pioneering openings and how and why people choose to go from workers to managers in an enterprising way. Chapman and Marquis (1912:293) were among the first to explore utilizing classes being enrolled from working class classes. Schumpeter (1961:102) contended that business was an uncommon event, as it originates from development, the capacity to complete new blends. Anyway conversely Kirzner (1979) clarified how pioneering acts were substantially more typical. Aldrich (1999) concurred with Kirzners proclamation because of the way that most open doors are productive to set up ways, which connections back to contention on business enterprise being an equilibrating or dis-equilibrating process. Whenever a business visionary chooses to misuse a chance, again there is no all inclusive definition on their thought processes. Oxenfeldt (1943:109) calls attention to that genuine business visionaries keep their experiences to lines of business that they were recently occupied with as a business or worker. Knight (1921) concurs expressing Those with related knowledge in an industry as a client or provider regularly have a superior comprehension of how to satisfy need conditions in that commercial center. Anyway as Hamilton and Harper (1994) contend, this conflicts with the hypothetical business person as omniscient, benefit orientated, pioneering and adaptable. In any case as flexible as a business visionary may be, Baumol (1993) features that when individuals can't completely know the full scope of choices confronting them, the count of an ideal inside a given arrangement of requirements is inconceivable Imprint Casson has attempted to build up a cutting edge hypothesis of business enterprise, by intertwining pioneering properties and speculations of a considerable lot of the more established creators. One significant region of his work was in the flexibly of business people. Casson (1982) recognized two gatherings of business people, the individuals who esteem their relaxation at not exactly the predominant genuine pay and the individuals who esteem it more. He clarifies how the last gathering have a solid possibility of turning into a business person, if the profits of enterprise increases over the genuine pay rate. Eisenhauers (1995) model of the choice to turn into a business person is a lot of like Cassons as it is additionally founded on the normal utility got from pay and the working states of business versus independent work. Anyway Casson (1982) focused on that any gracefully of business people are qualified business people who are characterized as having acce
Friday, August 21, 2020
The Canadian Judiciary Balancing Public and Private Spheres free essay sample
Spotlights on clarifying the Judiciarys job in Canadian culture. This paper speaks to an endeavor to distinguish the Canadian Judiciarys capacity to adjust the interests of general society and private circles as per changing social and political perspectives, just as an assessment of inward attributes of the legal executive and how they essentially impact this parity. Without question the judiciarys job in securing singular freedoms is significant, anyway there are sure components associated with the legal procedure that have made its job profoundly dubious. The undemocratic idea of the legal executive raises doubt about its legitimacy in passing on extremist choices that see the legal executive contending with lawmaking bodies to shape the laws of Canada. Likewise, the its undemocratic, unrepresentative nature makes doubt concerning whether the legal executive is keen on ensuring the privileges of the normal man which is the fundamental motivation behind the Charter. Maybe of most prominent concern is the colossal extent of interpretive force the lawmaking body generally leaves to the legal executive, through the arrangement of vague, uncertain enactment. We will compose a custom exposition test on The Canadian Judiciary: Balancing Public and Private Spheres or then again any comparable theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page
Monday, June 1, 2020
Revisioning Childhood Memory and the Senses in Alice Munroââ¬â¢s ââ¬ÂWalker Brothers Cowboyââ¬Â - Literature Essay Samples
Walker Brothers Cowboy, a short story written by Alice Munro, presents the pivotal (and perhaps formative) experience of a young, unnamed, female narrator. Munroe filters the girlââ¬â¢s visual and olfactory-enriched memories through the present tense thoughts of a markedly matured voice, creating a nostalgic effect which foregrounds the significance of this childhood story to the narrator. A ââ¬Å"warm nightâ⬠filled with ââ¬Å"cracked sidewalksâ⬠and the sound of ââ¬Å"A very quiet, washing noise on the stones of the beachâ⬠(p. 2) greet the reader; these descriptions are the substance of the narratorââ¬â¢s world, in Walker Brothers Cowboy. It is important that Munro creates a substantial, three-dimensional world, seen from the perspective of this young, somber girl. ââ¬ËSeenââ¬â¢ is indeed the key word here. The sensory effects illustrated are mainly visual, to present the reader with a lucid and inviting reality. Not only is the established setting es tablished more solidly and made easier to enter, but also the piercing visual descriptions of the narrator reveal her pre-adolescent perspective of discovery and lucidity. Here, the narrator interprets a central theme in Munroââ¬â¢s writing visually:ââ¬Å"Children, of their own will, draw apart, separate into islands of two or one under the heavy trees, occupying themselves in such solitary ways as I do all dayâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ (p. 2)Though the twin themes of solitude and intimacy are only indirectly related to memory in Walker Brothers Cowboy, the narratorââ¬â¢s penetrating visual portrayal of each of them here is important. From this example, it is evident how the reader can access the heart of the story. Without these sprinklings of sensory metaphors and interpretation, the story would be a much dimmer, two-dimensional construct. For, instead of describing a perfectly linear plot through a straightforward first person narrative, Munro takes care to sketch her story fluidly. S he makes small hops across times and spaces to illustrate the characters, setting and mood, but always staying within the confines of present-tense first person to limit and define the story. Because Munroââ¬â¢s writing style opens so many tiny possibilities, like pricks of sunlight that come through a straw hat, (p. 7) the reader must be able to enter the story on even terms with the narrator. Munroââ¬â¢s scattered sensory descriptions and metaphors draw the readerââ¬â¢s empathy towards the narrator very effectively. Once the reader is able to view and interpret the narratorââ¬â¢s world from her perspective, the concept of memory comes into play. The narrator, unlike her brother, can access these events via her memory. ââ¬Å"No worry about my brother, he does not notice enough.â⬠(p.11) Descriptions such as ââ¬Å"little drops form along her upper lip, hang in the soft black hairs at the corner of her mouth,â⬠(p. 10) which contrast the narrator and her broth er, infuse the story with nostalgia. The perspective and feelings behind her memories are exposed, like a developing photograph, for reader and future versions of the narrator herself to examine. Hints of nostalgia are also present throughout the piece in the narratorââ¬â¢s formal, developed diction. While all of the narratorââ¬â¢s reactions and feelings are accurate for a young girl, her rich descriptions are reminiscent of an older, mature woman who is remembering an important past event. Nostalgia is also referenced inside of the story. On page three, her father describes the flow of icecaps with his hand in the snow. The narrator becomes uncomfortable in the twist of thoughts provoked by these vast passages of time: does entropy creep into everything?Entropy, an important aspect of nostalgia, is confronted by Munro, though subtly. The narrator admits: ââ¬Å"I wish the Lake to be always just a lake,â⬠(p. 3) Conveying both a longing for an unchanging world and the imp ossibility of that longing. However, there is one place the lake will be undisturbed by entropy. The lake, ââ¬Å"with the safe-swimming floats marking it, and the breakwater and the lights of Tuppertown,â⬠(p. 3) does exist, unchangeable and invulnerable to time, within the communication of the story. While any real place is susceptible to time, this fictional construct will live through Munroââ¬â¢s writing, within the narratorââ¬â¢s, and of course readerââ¬â¢s imagination and memory.The tension between the narratorââ¬â¢s mother and father, who represent much of the narratorââ¬â¢s world, contrast more than just their character. It emphasizes two different ways of looking at the past, two kinds of remembering. One agonizes over the past, lost in entropy or misfortune or time, and one creates fond memories in the present, regarding the past with serenity. Her father would create snatches of song which incite the narrator to laughter and pleasant memory. Whereas th e narratorââ¬â¢s mother directly relates to presently felt nostalgia several times in the story: ââ¬Å"Do you remember when we put you in your sled and Major pulled you?â⬠. (p. 4) The narratorââ¬â¢s father sees the present with good humour, modesty, and an accepting, easygoing nature. Her mother looks at the present situation ââ¬Å"with dignity, with bitterness, with no reconciliation,â⬠(p. 3). The disparity between parents is sharply and humorously defined in the occurrence, and later retelling of the ââ¬Å"peeâ⬠incident. While the father later retells the event as an anecdote, built up for comic effect, he hushes the children on page four, saying: ââ¬Å"ââ¬â¢Just donââ¬â¢t tell your mother thatâ⬠¦she isnââ¬â¢t liable to see the joke.ââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬ Finally, in the end of the story, the shocking realization appears that her mother and father represent two sides to the same coin. The familyââ¬â¢s past was lost, buried under change like the dinosaurs were buried under ice. Yet of course it still exists, in her fathers memory, and now in the narratorââ¬â¢s, and readerââ¬â¢s as well. The narrator connects the imagery of glaciers and her fatherââ¬â¢s newfound past in the last page, using the metaphor of a landscape, with ââ¬Å"All kinds of weathers, and distances you cannot imagine.â⬠(p. 11) Munro has beautifully sculpted a significant transitional period in this young womanââ¬â¢s life, exalting the tiny observations to the point of nostalgia. She reaches a climax, and a thoughtful resolution with few, and small plot events. With an introspective narrator, Munro is able to implant sensory details in the reader, and illuminate the moment of realization in a way with which the reader can empathize with and understand.Source:Munro, Alice. Walker Brothers Cowboy. The Norton Anthology of Literature: The Twentieth Century. Volume F. 2nd Edition. Ed. Sarah Lawall and Maynard Mack. W.W Norton Co. New York and London, 2002.3010-3020.
Saturday, May 16, 2020
Comparison of Odyssey, Divine Comedy, and Paradise Lost...
A Comparison of Odyssey, Divine Comedy, and Paradise Lost Epics by definition are long narrative poems, that are grand in both theme and style (Webster 417). They usually involve actions of great glory and are typically centered around historical or legendary events of universal significance. Most epics deal with the deeds of a single individual, however, it is not uncommon to have more than one main character. Epics embody several main features including: supernatural forces, sometimes the deity of the time, that shape the action; battles or other forms of physical combat; and a formal statement of the theme of the epic. Everyday details of life are commonplace and intricately wovenâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Throughout his travels he along with his men sailed to many strange lands. These great adventures included tricking Polyphemus a Cyclops by being nobody (Norton 320), sailing to the end of the world and descending into Hell (Norton 340), successfully battling Scylla, a six-headed monster that devoured passing seamen (Norton 361) and finally, passing safely around a terrible whirlpool (Norton 366 - 367). During his descent into Hell, Odysseus meets a sear who foretells that his wanderings would not end until peace is made with Poseidon. This sear also tells him that he will return home and re-establish himself as king. Finally as the Odyssey concludes, Odysseus does return home to a house and country in turmoil. His wife is besieged by suitors, his son is now a grown man and his country is facing certain civil war. In the final acts, order is restored with the assistance of the goddess Athene. In Dantes epic, The Divine Comedy, he tells of a journey through hell, purgatory, and heaven. This epic is divided into three sections. In each of the sections he meets with mythological, historical, and contemporary individuals. Each individual encountered during the journey represents a religious or political symbol of fault or virtue. In addition, specific punishments and rewards areShow MoreRelatedThe Divine Comedy1705 Words à |à 7 PagesThroughout the Middle Ages, art and philosophy has been lost in darkness, but with the reintroduction of ideas that came with the Renaissance in Italy, brought about a literary revival. One of the writers that influenced this revival is Dante Alighieri, a 13th century poet from Florence, Italy. His world famous epic, La Commedia, or more commonly known as The Divine Comedy remains a poetic masterpiece depicting truth and sin. The Divine Comedy, through the journey into the three hells, expresses aRead More Dantes Motivation to Write The Divine Comedy Essay3226 Words à |à 13 PagesMotivation to Write The Divine Comedy (La Divina Commedia) To truly comprehend Danteââ¬â¢s Divine Comedy, although complete comprehension is not necessary to enjoy this literary masterpiece, there are several skills one might need to acquire. For instance, one helpful piece of knowledge would be the ability to fluently speak Italian, since the many translations differ being able to have read Danteââ¬â¢s actual written words and understand them would make reading the Divine Comedy a bit more personalRead MoreThe Power Of Knowledge Is A Fundamental Component Of Being Human1994 Words à |à 8 Pagesfirst humans, shows how knowledge was first obtained, showing from an early age that man understood its importance. Aesopââ¬â¢s fables from ancient times use the acquisition and application of knowledge as a cornerstone for their construction. Homerââ¬â¢s Odyssey and Danteââ¬â¢s Inferno, both great recognized works, demonstrate protagonists with prudent minds, and the rewards that follow their actions. Prudence was a highly val ued attribute to these authors, in which knowledge, both possessing and applying, is
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Importance Of Family And Child Services - 2511 Words
It is one thing to speak about the importance of Family and Child Services but it is another to compare it to another country. When comparing the differences within the Family and Child Services you get a sense of appreciation and sadness when learning how children are treated in foster homes across the country. In some ways when comparing Jordan to countries in Europe and the United States it can sadden the individual knowing that children in another country arenââ¬â¢tââ¬â¢t treated the same as they are here in the United States. The purpose of this paper is to compare and contrast Family and Child Services in the United States compared to the Middle East mainly focusing on Jordan. My thesis question is as follows: The country of Jordan isâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦The United States social work field and family and child services is not perfect and has many flaws itself, but the one thing they have that Jordan does not is structure and organization. What I believe can be i mplemented in the country of Jordan to decrease the abandoned children rate is Accessibility to the limited amount of social workers that are available in Jordan. Without the ability to rely on such services children and families wonââ¬â¢t get the help they need if they are unable to either take care of there child or if the child is left without parents. The second option I believe that will help Jordan with this crisis is some sort of stability and organization when it comes to the social work field in Jordan. We need to be able to develop and organize a stable environment for people to be able to access the help that they need. Stability is also important when it comes to the development of the child; if you bring stability and organization to a childââ¬â¢s life they have a better chance of following the right path in the future. And lastly, we need to either train the social workers that are located in Jordan better or bring in international social worker to Jordan and hel p organize and provide knowledge on how to approach and develop family and child services. The United States has a lot of options when it comes to the field of Family and Child Services. As stated above there are many flaws to these services, but when comparing it to Jordan you can clearly see that
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Price-Based Demand
Question: Write annotated bibliography on "If a business drops its price will it always increase demand - and it will make profit". Answer: Avinadav, T., Herbon, A. and Spiegel, U., 2013. Optimal inventory policy for a perishable item with demand function sensitive to price and time.International Journal of Production Economics,144(2), pp.497-506. Herbon (2013), have illustrated that increase demand of a product is due to the many reason such as consumer purchasing capacity increases, fallen of complementary goods price, product in demand due to latest fashion or consumers tastes etcetera. All the above-mentioned factor result in the price variance of any product. It has also been seen that growth in number of people using any certain product due to population growth and expansion in the market result in to increase in product demand. Environmental Economics. 2017.Econ 101: The Basics of Supply and Demand. [online] Available at: [Accessed 15 Aug. 2017]. According to the researcher, the price of the product can change because of four major factors namely Demand increase or decrease and Supply increase or decrease. According to the researcher, there is a universal statement that people at higher price of any product buy less quantity whereas a seller want to sell more quantity when the price is high which reflects that, quantity demand is inversely related with the price and the quantity supplies and the price are somewhat directly related to each other. It reflects on the people mindset that selling of product for profitability will be severely hampered depending on the price and the supply also on the demand of the product in the market. Kilkki, O., Alahivl, A. and Seilonen, I., 2015. Optimized control of price-based demand response with electric storage space heating.IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics,11(1), pp.281-288. According to Seilonen (2015), decrease in consumer surplus would happen when equilibrium price of the product is set above, but lower in the equilibrium price will see certain increase. According to the authors to achieve consumer surplus, consumers have to purchase the good that means production should be maximum so that consumer can have ample amount to purchase. If due to any reason the price of the good drops below market equilibrium, manufacturing of the good will be less profitable as of the low price and thus will encourage customers to buy more product as of the lower price. The market will have shortage of good because of the huge demand resulting into market wide loss. Thus the producer will not be able to obtain the value of the product. Siano, P., 2014. Demand response and smart gridsA survey.Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,30, pp.461-478. The researcher states that the amount of product present in the market is the supply and the number of people willing to buy the product is the demand. In addition, supply has direct influence in the demand say for an example if there is a strong demand of Gas in the market there would be less supply of the product, thus increase in price of the commodity. If there is a change in condition such as lower demand of the product (Gas) as people started using more and more number of electronic vehicle then the product will be highly available in the market thus will decrease the price of the product. Income effect can also be a resulting factor as it will help the people decide how much and at what price to buy. People tend to reach out to business, providing lower price but when there is an increase in purchasing capacity, the product of lower value will become inferior good, as there is a demand fall because of income rise. Zhao, Z., Wu, L. and Song, G., 2014. Convergence of volatile power markets with price-based demand response.IEEE transactions on Power Systems,29(5), pp.2107-2118. In the research it has been found that decrease in demand occurs because of the product is out dated and old fashioned. Peoples taste of the commodity has decreased, Decrease in consumers purchasing power and substitute product price drop. The decrease and increase of a products price is variable on the products supply and demand in the market. However, consumer having higher purchasing capacity or lower purchasing capacity both will opt for products with lower price as this give them the option to purchase more and different products. It is reflected in research that if the purchasing power of the consumer increases, the variance of the purchased product will be bit expensive than regular, thus making the regular product inferior good. Demand of any product depends on various factors but lower price will be the prominent factor, as it will give purchasing power to the consumer. References Avinadav, T., Herbon, A. and Spiegel, U., 2013. Optimal inventory policy for a perishable item with demand function sensitive to price and time.International Journal of Production Economics,144(2), pp.497-506. Environmental Economics. 2017.Econ 101: The Basics of Supply and Demand. [online] Available at: [Accessed 15 Aug. 2017]. Kilkki, O., Alahivl, A. and Seilonen, I., 2015. Optimized control of price-based demand response with electric storage space heating.IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics,11(1), pp.281-288. Siano, P., 2014. Demand response and smart gridsA survey.Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,30, pp.461-478. Zhao, Z., Wu, L. and Song, G., 2014. Convergence of volatile power markets with price-based demand response.IEEE transactions on Power Systems,29(5), pp.2107-2118.
Saturday, April 18, 2020
Tuition Assistance and Funding of Post
Education is important and every government should make efforts to ensure that its citizens access education. Although education is expensive, scholars and researchers still believe that education is key to success. Therefore, making education accessible to all is the first step towards development and social change.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Tuition Assistance and Funding of Post-secondary education in Ontairo specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In Canada, people in the lower class face many issues and for some, attaining tertiary education is a big challenge. However, to ensure that needy students in Ontario access the college education, the Federal government of Ontario has been working together with the Central government of Canada to facilitate loans for such students. This paper will discuss extensively the OSAP tuition assistance program and funding of post-secondary education in Ontario, Canada. Conclu sion The Canadian government has shown commitments to make certain that education is accessible to all citizens. To ensure that needy students realize their dreams, attain education, and achieve their career goals, the government of Ontario, through the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) has been instrumental in funding post-secondary education. Although funding of this program has been a challenge, the Federal government of Ontario has jointed efforts with the Central government of Canada to ensure that all needy students access tertiary education. Various departments have been proactive to ensure success of this project. The Federal government and Department of Human resource and Social development have been administering the OSAP program while the Ministry of Training in conjunction with tertiary institutions is responsible for fair administration of the program hence promoting transparency. Because of commitment by various stakeholders, the implementation of the OSAP prog ram has been very successful. As a result, needy students in Ontario are now able to attain their education and career goals. Since students are required to pay this loan after they have successfully completed their college education, it has been a big challenge for most of them because the current repayment program requires graduates to pay a certain fixed amount of money every month. Since most young graduates do not get well paying jobs, there is a need to make amendments to the current repayment program. The best alternative is fixing the repayment schedule based on income level of an individual, which will enable graduate students to pay the education loan with ease. With such amendments, the OSAP program will continue to help needy students and families achieve their education and career goals.Advertising Looking for essay on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This essay on Tuition Assistance and Funding of Post-secondary education in Ontairo was written and submitted by user Dangelo Mathews to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here. Tuition Assistance and Funding of Post It is the responsibility of every government to ensure that its citizens access quality education. Scholars believe that education is a key to success. Therefore, making education accessible to all citizens in a country is the first step towards development and social change. In Canada, attaining tertiary education is a monumental challenge to people with limited resources. However, the case is slightly different in the province of Ontario.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Tuition Assistance and Funding of Post-Secondary Education in Ontario specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The provincial government of Ontario has been working closely with the federal government of Canada to facilitate education loans for needy students in the province. The two governments developed a program called Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP), which coordinates funding of post-secondary education in the province. OSAP is funding pro vided by the Ontario government to individuals interested in pursuing education beyond high school level. However, not everyone is eligible to receive funds provided by the program. Funding depends on the income of the applicantââ¬â¢s parents, the program pursued by the applicant, the institution (University or College), student status (full-time or part-time) and any other exceptional circumstances that may arise. In order to receive funding from OSAP, three policies must apply. The first policy is approval of the applicantââ¬â¢s program. The second policy is establishing the income of the applicantââ¬â¢s family. The third policy is how much funding is possible. Students use the funds received to finance their tuition and other education expenses. The cost of tuition and living expenses can be crippling regardless of the studentââ¬â¢s program. Efforts made to fund tertiary education are essential for most students. However, the policies in place leave many students unab le to afford their education. A studentââ¬â¢s program choice, their family income, and the limit on how much funding is possible are just a few of the many policies leaving students struggling financially. The charter of rights states that everyone should have equal opportunity to education. According to the charter, people should not worry about the government setting cost for tertiary education at an unaffordable level. Since the 1990ââ¬â¢s, the average tuition fee in Ontario has been marginally higher than the national average. Currently, Ontario is the most expensive province by a noticeable amount for tertiary education. The cost of education has been escalating at a rate of 5% each year. The cost of tertiary education in Ontario for 2015/2016 could be 2.5 times the cost of tuition in the early 1990. The cost of tertiary education makes it difficult for many parents to finance their childrenââ¬â¢s education.Advertising Looking for essay on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The government of Ontario has been instrumental in funding college and university education through OSAP. The Ministry of Training in coordination with tertiary institutions is responsible for fair administration of OSAP. This program helps needy students who are unable to finance their tertiary education. Government officials vet all loan applicants. This ensures that only eligible students in Ontario receive assistance from the program. However, this program supplements the payment of tertiary education and not everything. A student should contribute some money towards their tertiary education. The central government facilitates the program through federal and provincial governments to ensure equal distribution of funds. Apart from OSAP, the government also channels funds through the Canada Students Loans Program. The Federal government in harmonization with the Department of Human Resources and Social Developm ent administers this program. The loans granted to students are free of any interest for a maximum period of seven years. However, a small percentage of interest applies on the loan after seven years. This applies to encourage students to pay up their loans after graduating. The Ontario First Generation Bursary is another agency that supports needy students in Ontario. The government provides funds for this program that only supports students in public tertiary institutions. The other program that supports needy students is the Ontario Crown Ward Post Secondary Application Fee Reimbursement Program. This program covers application fees for eligible candidates. OSAP financial aid comprises a range of programs that include grants and student loans. The government of Canada and the provincial government of Ontario rely on tax proceeds as well as contributions from the private sector to fund education programs. Private financial institutions offer tertiary education loans to willing bor rowers who fail to meet the government criteria for getting government loans. Some of the key players in these programs include the National Students Loans Service Centre, which offers information on the loan application process and the procedure for repaying the loan. Various parties have expressed a range of views on programs that fund tertiary education.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Tuition Assistance and Funding of Post-Secondary Education in Ontario specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The conservative view believes investment in education helps students to succeed and be competitive in the market. Liberal view believes that everyone in Canada deserves access to affordable education. Democrats believe that support systems are plentiful and propose that tuition should be frozen and lowered in Canada. Marxist view believes that it is advantageous to provide free education for those who intend to pursue it. The government can improve their support services by increasing the areas they cover, setting more conditions for money use and fixing the loan repayment schedule. Since students are required to pay this loan after they have successfully completed their college education, it has been an enormous challenge for most of them because of the current repayment scheme. This essay on Tuition Assistance and Funding of Post-Secondary Education in Ontario was written and submitted by user Randall Mccray to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Saturday, March 14, 2020
Positive And Negative Impacts Of Tourism Tourism Essay Essays
Positive And Negative Impacts Of Tourism Tourism Essay Essays Positive And Negative Impacts Of Tourism Tourism Essay Essay Positive And Negative Impacts Of Tourism Tourism Essay Essay GENERAL INTRODUCTION PROS AND CONS There are both positive and negative effects ensuing from tourism.Positively it creates employment and economically enables the preservation of valuable infinite ; restrains a migratory inclination within the place population bettering their socio-cultural education.It encourages support of local commercialization ensuing in the free interchange of thoughts, imposts and sensitisation of issues refering the eco-environment.The decrease of working hours, the of all time present menace of unemployment because of technological promotion and the globalization procedure enables the touristry industry to supply an interesting and stimulating intensive option. Merely as important are the effects of the lifting cost of natural resources, H2O, energy.The spoilage of landscapes with land renewal ; lifting degrees of waste disposal ; changes to ecosystems ; the extinction of rare species of animate beings and workss ; the loss of traditional values and lifting degrees of harlotry, that is sex tourism.There is the narcotics trade, forest fires, together with the lifting cost of lodging. There are lifting degrees of C dioxide and other polluting gases from increasing frequences of airflights with ozone eroding and acid rain.All sorts of ecosystems are going affected.Thailand is littered with golf classs that consume big sums of pesticides and water.There is barely anyplace in the universe non affected by touristry impact.Tourism is an facet of globalization most sensitive to any repercussion.In the eastern part of Spain for illustration, Benidorm has a great concentration of hotels, suiting about half a million tourers in August within an country of little more than 12 kilometres.There is besides a big proportion of the population of many states who do non take part in tourer flows but who however will go portion of such flows with the outgrowth of new markets in Latin-America and Asia. NEGATIVE IMPACT AND DIVERSIFICATION There is no 1 clearly acknowledged method of analyzing the impacts of touristry and there are a figure of different standards for its measurement.Most surveies are able to expose the benefits generated and conducive to the balance of payments and deployed income supplied by the government.Yet few have included the analysis of negative effects.Negative economic impact has an consequence on the local graduated table with finishs enduring economically when dependant on tourism.Diversification if applied to the local economic system is able to positively change by reversal such effects with the development of tourer goods and services replacing the old additions from traditional activities.Yet there is breakability, with instability of all time present due to change of tourer paths, uneffective promotion, and influence from of all time altering tourer manners in response to seasonal fluctuation of production.An inflationary spiral often develops.This inflationary facet is sublimative wit h monetary values and revenue enhancements impacting the local population.It has no respect for anything existant before and it becomes obviously obvious in the escalation of nutrient monetary values and that of goods etc.Those who are straight involved in the industry experience improved benefit but non the local population. There occurs break of traditional productive sectors of capital finishs within countries of tourer development.Foreign capital is non limited to a local consequence as it leaves the having state thereby lending to a loss of currency.Some governments assert that for the long term, low possible productiveness from a tourer company has a depressive consequence on local economic growing. Possible rising prices may happen from tourer activity, the buying possible being greater than that of the resident population hence taking to intensifying monetary values for nutrient and services.There is loss of possible economic benefits with a high dependence on foreign capita l.resulting in deformation of the local economy.Concentration of economic activity becomes channeled into one type of activity, with a attendant fluctuating impact upon the degree of employment. Further FACTORS It appears that touristry development within a state relates to an premise of economic gain.Only touristry direction with its application of assorted methods and principals can find whether any economical addition will outweight the cost factor.There are staffing costs, operating expenses and public-service corporations to take into account.The determination to cut down costs to a lower limit might affect improved staffing Rotas, and energy salvaging programmes. Further POSITIVES There can be a figure of positive impacts of touristry such as lending towards a favorable balance of payments, facilitated competition with foreign banking, proviso of input to the GNP ( Gross National Product ) and the disbursement multiplier.Also there are occupation creative activity chances and increased grosss for the authorities from direct taxation.There are negative impacts including costs for substructure development ; and the over-dependence of the finish on tourers ; besides the facet of low skilled work. It seems clear there is a simple rule involved here, viz. that of minimising costs and maximizing profits.High escape is most likely to happen with multi national endeavors, where there is the demand to advance tourism.In order to make so at that place has to be importing of nutrient and drinks and capital engineering accompanied by repatriation of staff. A capital escape occurs as a consequence of capital investing for substructure from the host authorities. It may be a rgued that with restriction/control of such multi national endeavors there will be reduced capital escape, reduced repatriation, together with exchanging on of a multiplier consequence exciting more disbursement by the tourers in the local economy.Again problematic, there is the hiring of as many local occupants as possible for staff, guaranting proper salary degrees with proviso of preparation to back up publicity opportunities.With the ensuing decrease of staff repatriation at that place will happen an addition in the degrees of local staff wage and instantly lending to a multiplier consequence with the possibility of heightening the finish s socio-cultural aspect.Economic pick should be accompanied by discriminatory influence and counsel With the diminishment of seasonality there is a demand for professional selling expertness at finishs to increase the mean length of stay, the day-to-day outgo per caput.Yet really inquisitory rating is required here for such actions, while bring forthing economic benefits which may in fact injury the environmental, socio-cultural facets of the finish doing indirect costs. POSITIVE SOCIAL IMPACTS Social impacts once more consist of both positive and negative effects.Positively there is the recovery and preservation of cultural values that but for the visiting tourers would hold disappeared.Funds as a consequence are made available for saving of artifacts and Restoration of disregarded historical monuments.Local communities would be unable to supply such resources.Various tactics are applied in such privileged topographic points of tourer interest.Many local imposts have been revitalized and tourist resources are being made available for the reappearance of folklore, festivals, trade chases and gastronomy.There has occurred marked betterment in installations and services such as healthful, manners of conveyance, parks etc. NEGATIVE SOCIAL IMPACTS However once more negative impacts exist.The immediate negative factor is that of the societal disparities between the autochthonal population and that of the visitors.For some finishs basically those to be found in the underprivileged states there is a sort of imperialistic relationship with the dwellers going retainers of the tourists.Inevitably there arises societal tenseness and resentment.A new sort of colonialism appears with dependence upon the foreign currency.Outside workers with better makings obtain the contracts.With such clear indicants of the socio-economic differences the negative impact takes effect.Gaming, increasing harlotry and drugs make their visual aspect where antecedently they had non existed.Tourist reachings are hence linked to such manifestations.Loss of culturization occurs as a consequence of such negative impacts.The local population observes the tourers and so seeks to accommodate to their imposts paving the manner for the devastation and disappearing o f the very thing that the tourers originally arrived for. DOXEY S IRRIDEX MODEL The socio-cultural consequence therefore becomes mensurable with mention to the offense rate.A direction method used to mensurate the degree of socio-cultural impact is Doxey s Irridex Model.The theoretical account has a four phase procedure wherein there are decreasing returns in the local dwellers attitude towards the visitors.Firstly there is the geographic expedition phase where contact between both parties is of frequent happening and here the attitude is referred to as euphoria.There is a welcoming of contact with the outside universe and there is the possibility of supplementing the household income as a consequence of such inflow.With increasing tourer reachings there occurs decreasing contact with the early arrivals.The tourers become portion of mundane concern concerns that transforms the initial attitude into 1 that seeks contact and affair for personal gain.Those occupants of such a finish develop an apathetic attitude to such affairs. A farther development of the theoretical account presents annoyance.The important influx of touristry disrupts mundane life with developing waiting lines experienced in the local stores, traffic jams.Local concern accommodates to souvenir publicity emanating a sense of disaffection to the local population.A elusive inbalance is happening subconsciously triping hostility towards the tourists.There is a loss of control within the community because they have now become dependent upon such tourer inflows.Destination installations as a consequence of increasing volume deteriorate and contribute to the attractive force of a down-market visitor.The tourers now become the focal point of incrimination for such developments.The increasing impairment in attitude becomes a mirror of contemplation and comparing of the consequence of such touristry inflow. Tourism AND DAMAGE TO THE ENVIRONMENT The touristry impact to the environment is the most negative aspect.Wholesale harm has been caused to big countries that will be really hard so to reclaim.Tourism, tourer activity as a phenomenon of mass flows requires significant substructure supported by intricate service networks.Careful planning has non ever been applied with a ensuing impairment of the natural and societal environments.There has been a transmutation of septic zones with the devastation of ecosystems ; decline in the quality and measure of H2O ; soil taint ; the extinction of many species of zoology ; terrible infection of vegetations, angling depletion and the taint of the sea. Destruction of ecosystems arises with a monolithic presence of visitors.Originally the mass inflow promised a get-rich-quick attitude.Those finishs with an image of a tourer Eden have become victims to ecosystem destruction.Natural clean H2O has been severly affected and reduced with tourer arrivals.In many cases the sum of tourers geting has been unsustainable to local resources.The many many golf classs and residential swimming pools all affect agricultural development and the zonary ecological balance. Soil taint arises in many cases with substances derived from human activity that alter the chemical environment and reduces harvest output. Many species of zoologies are going nonextant ; tree populations are going badly depleted ; there is unregulated city-planning, and uncontrolled runing showing an overpowering danger to an increasing figure of species.The mighty ocean s output of fish is going earnestly affected.Population along the seashores has mushroomed together with 2nd residences.To prevent an ecological catastrophe careful and superior planning is necessary ; beyond local expertise.An overpowering presence in the natural zones is affecting/impacting the vegetation in the same way.The presence of tourers in natural zones with a flood of featuring activity such as minibikes, mountain motorcycles, all land vehicles causes terrible eroding of surface land necessarily impacting the vegetation. Prospective Solution Are there solutions to such jobs? Or is tourism an impact generator progressing to disaster? A planetary entity that is attaching attending to such jobs and trying to carry through aims for a sustainable touristry is the European Union.The EU with its docket 21 has invited the local disposals to act.It recommends the undermentioned: Promotion of local production, offering ecological nutrients of the part incorporating no additives.Reduction of waste refuse and separation of the assorted classs for possible recycling.Usage of assorted engineerings to salvage water.Purification of residuary Waterss for irrigation and agriculture.The economy of energy with efficient rinsing machines, heat insulation.Respecting the environment and landscape.Promotion of public conveyance and bicycling.Establishment of prosaic zones in countries of historic value.The publicity of local touristry and the support to cut down air agendas of the flight industry thereby cut downing C emissions.Planning to ease contact between the sing tourers and the local dwellers but to discourage the formation of a ny touristry ghettos.Planning to profit all the local population. MAXIMIZE AND MINIMIZE All the factors noted above seem to propose that the chief purposes refering touristry direction scheme are to maximize economic, environmental and socio-cultural benefits but to understate associated costs. The physical and cultural environments comprise the indispensable attractive forces for the sing tourer to the destination.It is the duty of touristry direction to minimise environmental harm so ensuring hereafter business.There are a figure of methods that may be applied to decrease environmental impacts.Energy salvaging steps eg light bulbs, lavatory flowers, cleaning detergents that are environmentally friendly.The modification of visas thereby cut downing instantly the figure of visitors.Educational programmes of consciousness both for the visiting tourers and the locals.An addition in net income may ensue with the decrease of costs, applied to public-service corporations. Even if the restriction of visas does significantly affect net income it may be considered a better option so that there is still existing the possibility of future additions with the saving of the finish s natural resources that are at that place to pull the tourers in the first topographic point. TO CONCLUDE ; ; one of the chief ingredients for success of environmental policies is authorities engagement itself.Again it may be arguable there should be Torahs on land use and the extent of edifice building for the finish with the necessary substructure being installed to run into awaited volume of tourer flow together with protection of natural heritages. Tourism direction methods applied to help in maximising positives and understating negatives of impact for the socio-culture consist of educating about touristry ; publicity of cross-cultural exchange ; infliction of visitant codifications ; guaranting that locals have entree to cultural installations ; saving of local architecture ; care of genuineness ; supplying for the more sensitive cultural tourer with appropriate selling ; restriction of tourer Numberss. One principal that has gained attending is the transporting capacity assessment.It may be used to command and implement frontline sustainable tourism.There is a assortment of applications such as the finding of a touristry development bound for a peculiar topographic point and the restriction of existent visitant Numberss. Hopefully it attempts to accomplish sustainable touristry development as a working reality.It has non met with the awaited success because of unrealistic outlooks, faulty premises and misplaced value judgement with an unequal legal support system. It possibly has become clear to the reader that touristry direction should non work entirely in these affairs, but work together with local authorities and public bodies.Legal execution is a cardinal issue because if there is to be a limitation of visas for illustration at that place has to be assistance from such a quarter.Success strains success and so tourism direction and authorities will hum the same melody. The methods referred to above all have the same principal ; that of protection for the host finish instead than a focal point upon touristry demand.Obviously the demand has to be considered but it is the design of the tourer merchandise that should be the chief focus.Application of such principals referred to in the foregoing treatment will hopefully ensue in sustainable touristry for the hereafter.
Wednesday, February 26, 2020
Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 18
Article Example The government is an expression of peopleââ¬â¢s will and should therefore serve the peopleââ¬â¢s needs (Jefferson 22). Jefferson had negative views about women trying. However, in the declaration he does not talk much of women but he says that all men are equal (Jefferson 25). Jefferson appeared to favor patriarchal giving men more powers than women. The serious causes include the refusal of his Assent to Laws which also obstructs justice administration, refusing the other people to be elected, connecting with others to subjecting the citizens to the jurisdictions that are not usual to their constitution among other causes (Jefferson 28). These causes are not trivial and serious one that can cause revolution is by refusing his assent to law being the most necessary for the good of the public (Jefferson 28). The most graceful sentence in the entire declaration is that the united colonies had a right of being free and independent States (Jefferson 29). It is place in the first statement of declaration and the purpose is to give the citizens freedom. Jefferson does not the governance system of the king but supports a self government (Jefferson 29). The king does not want to have an assent to the law and this obstructs justice administration. Jefferson however believes that all men are born free law of nature (Jefferson
Monday, February 10, 2020
The promotional strategy of British Airways Coursework
The promotional strategy of British Airways - Coursework Example This research will begin with the statement that the airline sector is a large form of mass travel in the global transportation network. The sector in general involves the organisation of people, airlines, equipment and buildings for transporting mail, freight and passengers to various parts of the world. International air travel is so extensive that it is possible to reach almost any major city in less than a day. Different airline companies deal with different types of cargo, for example companies like British Airways specialise in the transportation of people. This has been by far the largest source of revenue for airlines since the second half of the twentieth century. The different airline companies battle against each other by offering attractive fares and specialised discounts. The passenger services usually offer two areas of travel, first class or coach, first class being more favourable due to comfortable seating arrangements, more elaborate meals and usually more flight pe rsonnel on hand. The coach service is cheaper with a slightly more crowded atmosphere. Other services include the transportation of mail, and freight services. This method of transporting goods is quicker than the old methods of using trains or boats. The current structure of the airline sector is fairly composite. There are many markets, all of which host two main dimensions, product and geographic. The product of which being the passenger, and the geographic being the destination. At all levels, it shows characteristics of oligopoly and competition; however, there is very little evidence to show that the airline industry is a natural monopoly, where one firm stands out from the rest. The characteristics of the industry show that there are few firms, a substantial market share and high barriers of entry, all of which indicate the sector as an oligopoly market structure. So much so that the leading four firms, United Air Lines, American Airlines, Delta and Northwest, make up 64% of the market share. As these companies make up such a high percentage, it makes the industry highly concentrated, meaning that merges are becoming more and more common. This means that the market concentration will increase in the future (Blythe 2005 p 15). Literature review British Airways: Company Profile: British Airways is the biggest world wide passenger airline. The main activities of British Airways and its subsidiary undertakings are the operation of international as well as domestic planned and charter air services for the safe and comfortable transportation of passengers, freight and mail as well as the prerequisite of additional services. The Airline had a total of 373 aircraft in operation as of September 30, 2001 (Proctor 2000 p 56). A total number of employees about 50,000 and a route network comprised of 150 destinations in 72 countries. Its fleet is composed of more than 350 aircrafts. BA is the airline company with the most flights from Europe to North America in the world (Peter 2006 p 90). BA was formed in 1973, as the outcome of the merger between State-owned
Thursday, January 30, 2020
Cigarette Ads Essay Example for Free
Cigarette Ads Essay From 1947-2000 cigarette ads have changed in more than just one way. Each ad pinpoints a certain stereotype of a person as well as containing a slogan that assures the viewer of which stereotype the ad is pertaining to. Each ad does a great job of matching the slogan with the image, while drawing in consumers and maintaining the fulfillment of the consumerââ¬â¢s prefrence. The ad used in 1947 for Camel cigarettes claims ââ¬Å"More Doctors smoke Camels Than Any Other Cigaretteâ⬠. The ad also contains a picture of a man posing as a doctor. The picture as well as the slogan being claimed, provides a sense of comfort and safety. People may think if doctors are smoking these cigarettes they may not be unhealthy. This ad could also come off as an ad promoting the ââ¬Å"need for prominenceâ⬠, while aiming to represent the cigarette of those of a high social status (Fowles 549). The Camel ad also slightly resembles a news article as and is layed out in a very informative manner, while pointing out all of the benefits of the product. This approach is common because potential consumers are often looking for a new solutionâ⬠(Bovee 559). If a consumer is looking to become more healthy, or attempt to feel less guilty when smoking a cigarette, this ad may attract their attention, simply due to the fact that the ad claims it is the number one cigarette for doctors. The Marlboro ad of 1970 pertains to those who prefer a cigarette that contains a great amount of flavor. The slogan states ââ¬Å"come to where the flavor is. Come to the countryâ⬠. This adââ¬â¢s main attraction is the flavor of the cigarettes, which pertains to the ââ¬Å"need for autonomyâ⬠due the fact that this ad appeals to those who prefer a cigarette with great flavor(Fowles 550). Not only does this ad have to do with the need of autonomy it also pinpoints the ââ¬Å"need for affiliationâ⬠, it is obvious the ad is affiliated with those who not only enjoy flavor but also enjoy being in the country, the slogan as well as the picture is what make the two main attractions obvious in the ad (Fowles 544). The camel ad of 2000 is most likely going to attract those who wish to attain the perfect cigarette, therefore this ad pertains to the ââ¬Å"need for aesthetic sensationâ⬠, due to the fact that this ad is a simple ad with few words , there is little room for correction nearly being a perfect ad(Fowles 552). This ad will not only attract peopleââ¬â¢s attention because of the word ââ¬Å"pleasureâ⬠being placed in the slogan, but also the picture is an attention grabbing picture. The ad contains a picture a young, fit, attractive male, which also means this ad pertains to the ââ¬Å"need for attentionâ⬠(Fowles 550)Not only does this attract peopleââ¬â¢s attention it is also desirable. Over the past years the cigarette ads have slightly changed. The pictures, slogans, and the layout have all changed over time, but only to a slight extent. Although the physical appearance of the ads may have changed slightly over time, the idea of advertising cigarettes have not. Just as Fowels said, ââ¬Å"most advertisments appearing in national media can be understood as having two orders of contentâ⬠(Fowles 541). All the ads serve the same purpose, while each ad does appeal to different types of people, each ad also does the same thing to attract a certain type of person or idea. This is done by placing certain words as well as images to draw in consumers. As consumerââ¬â¢s wants as well as needs change, ads continue to change accordingly. With this being said, most changes that do occur are often subtle, therefore the changes that have been made in ads are often very slight. When major changes are made to ads, it is often due to the fact of improvement of the product or to fulfill a major want or need of the majority of the consumers.
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
Queen Isabella :: biography
Queen Isabella was born in 1451, in the city of Castile, Spain (Leon 75). She was the daughter of King John II and Arevalo (Maltby par 1). Her family was very strong Catholics and she was born and raised a Catholic. Her brother, Alfonso, became King. He banished her mother, younger brother, and her from the kingdom (Leon 75, 77). Isabella had chestnut hair with natural red highlights and her look was demure and soft. She went to school with nuns at Santa Ana Convent. At school, she fancied reading, writing, music, and painting. In her free time, she was tutored at home with her older brother. After her childhood, she learned treachery was everywhere. As a teenager, her family forced her to marry a scoundrel. That day, she prayed to God for deliverance. On the way to their wedding, he choked and died from bronchitis. From that day on, she was ready for what was coming her way. Queen Isabella had many accomplishments as an adult. One of them was she tried to change the religion of Castile as much as she could. Isabella banned all religions other than Roman Catholic. Most of Castile was Muslim and if you werenââ¬â¢t willing to change to Catholic, then you would be punished or banned. She made war on Muslims who held part of Southern Spain. Also, all Jews had to be baptized in a church. Obviously, religion took a major role in the Renaissance (Phillips par 4). Queen Isabella also took part in the voyage with Christopher Columbus. She gave him support when he was about to leave for sea. Christopher Columbus discovered the New World, which led to the establishment of a Spanish empire in America. Isabella supported many people, but Christopher Columbus was her most important (Maltby par 2). I donââ¬â¢t think he could have done that voyage without her. When she was about to become Queen, she had to get some things straight with her father. He had made a treaty, which is like a contract. On the treaty, he gave her many rights normal women would never have. The first right was to let Isabella be a legal heir since her brother was, too. Right #2 was the award of seven cities including Avila, her hometown. Last, but certainly not least, she was to marry whoever she chooses (Leon 77). When she was about 20, she married her second cousin, Fernando and he was roughly three inches shorter than she.
Tuesday, January 14, 2020
Human Service Programs: Commonalities & Success Paper Essay
The following paper will discuss the human service organizations uniqueness in comparison to other various business organizations around the world. The common denominator and central focus for all human service programs will be discussed. The trends in human services, and the qualities associated with human service agencies that contribute to their successfulness. (Lewis, 2006) Human service agencies are designed to specifically provide services to those in the communities. They usually provide services that are a to meet certain needs such as substance abuse, mental health concerns, and developmental disabilities. Particular agencies may focus on employment, rehabilitation centers that helps individuals gain skills pertinent to their job, and also to populations that are subject to prejudice or marginalization. Most human service organization are non profit but there are also for-profit and not-for-profit. All in all human service agencies have the needs of their clients as their fi rst priority. Human service programs are often effected by political, social, technological, and economic trends. Due to political trend the human service programs may be effected such as things like Obama Care. Politics can play a crucial role as they give most of the funding to programs that human service agencies operate. Economic trends are up and down and this is to be expected. Of course technological trends will continue to change as businesses can run more fluidly with up-to-date technology. (Korkmaz, 2012) In order for a human service agency to be successful the company should have a human resource that is focused on the needs of meeting goals of the organization. The organization should also be treating their employees fairly and justly. The code of ethics should be followed, as every management has an extensive guideline. The agency should make serious efforts to have a diverse workforce, training to enhance staffsà knowledge, efficient methods of hiring, appraising, and commending workers, and designing jobs so that the workers are able to use all of their knowledge and skills to the companies profit.(Lewis, 2006) In conclusion, unlike other agencies in the workforce the main agenda of a human service program is to lift our clients up and help those in our communities. Though not all agencies are the same some are small, larger, more funding, less; all have one goal in mind and that is to make a difference in the lives of our children, neighbors, seniors, adolescents, and adults. Many trends will effect the human service programs as with anything else in this world but it does not stop the goals. Each agency has serious guidelines and code of ethics implemented to strive for success in their agencies. References Judith. A. Lewis (2006). Management of Human Service Programs (3rd ed.). Belmont, CA: Thomson Brooks/Cole . Korkmaz Yaylagul, N., & Seedsman, T. (2012). Ageing: The common denominator? Journal of Population Ageing, 5(4), 257-279. doi:
Monday, January 6, 2020
The Nature Versus Nurture Controversial Debate - 1492 Words
Introduction The nature-versus-nurture controversial debate has always been central to the theme of development. Naturally, several predominant theories come to the fore and place different weights on nature and nurture. My concept of interest is active adaptation theory, which falls on the relatively endogenous side of the scale of source of developmental change. From the active adaptation perspective, individuals play an active role in their development; they possess the power to influence their own developmental courses. For active adaptation, it is critical for individuals to have mental maturity to determine what is learned from the environment or experience. Although the biological and mental maturity is heavily valued in active adaptation, the role of supportive and complementary environment is not neglected. The exogenous and endogenous forces are reciprocal: biological and genetic natures affect the way individuals comprehend and respond to their environment, and individual s, based on their motivation and mental maturity level, adapt their current thinking and behavior to the new information conveyed in external events and environmental stimulus. For educators who advocate active adaptation, it is essential to provide students with material that stimulates adaptation and experiences that are appropriate for their age and abilities. After ascertaining studentsââ¬â¢ level of cognitive maturity, teachers deliver calculated age-and-ability-corresponding instructionsShow MoreRelatedHuman Behavior: Nature vs. Nurture Essay1733 Words à |à 7 Pagesthe Nature versus Nurture debate for decades. This debate is about the degree to which our environment and heredity, affects our behavior and developmental stages. According to this debate, nature can be described as, the behavior of a person is occurring because of their genetic makeup. Since the behavior of a person is due to their genetic makeup, then, it (nature) should also influence a personââ¬â¢s gro wth and development for the duration of their life. However, the nurture side of the debate saysRead MoreNature Vs Nurture Debate1343 Words à |à 6 Pages One topic that has been controversial to psychologist since the phrase was created in 1869 is ââ¬Å"Nature vs Nurtureâ⬠. Although the debate was started well before then, 1869 was the first time it was tied to the debate. The nature vs nurture debate is over whether you get your behavior from genetics, what you inherited from your biological parents, or if they are learned characteristics, what you learn from the environment and what you get taught. The debate can be traced back to early western philosophyRead MoreDevelopment Across the Life Span: Nature Versus Nurture Essay examples1666 Words à |à 7 PagesDevelopment Across the Life Span: Nature versus Nurture Barry University What is Nature versus Nurture? Development across the lifespan is one of the most interesting areas of psychology. The word development refers to human development which can be defined as ââ¬Å"the scientific study of changes that occur in people as they age from conception until death.â⬠(Ciccarelli, amp; White, 2009)Psychologists study this developmental change over time through several different methods. The book highlightsRead MoreEssay on Human Development: Nature vs. Nurture1393 Words à |à 6 PagesThe nature versus nurture debate is an old issue within the field of psychology. ââ¬Å"The nature-nurture issue is a perennial one that has resurfaced in current psychiatry as a series of debates on the role that genes (DNA) and environments play in the etiology and pathophysiology of mental disordersâ⬠(Schaffner) The debate is essentially about what is inherited (nature) and what is experienced by environmental factors (nurture) and how they affect human development. Naturally, the nature versus nurtureRead MoreNature vs. Nurture: Parents or Environment Essay example571 Words à |à 3 Pagesmany people debate whether an individual is mostly influenced by genetics or influenced by their environment. A personââ¬â¢s environment can have multiple influences, but the genes passed down by parents play a huge role in developing how their offspring will turn out to be. Being unable to properly test whether certain characteristics of a person come from genetics or the influences of the environment makes this theory very difficult to understand, thus making the topic of nature vs. nurture extremelyRead MoreNature vs. Nurture in Sport 1248 Words à |à 5 Pagesquestions that arise in the nature vs. nurture debate pertaining about athletic ability. In 1582, British educator, Richard Mulcaster wrote thatâ⬠¨Nature makes the boy toward, nurture sees him forward, he gave the worldâ⬠¨a euphonious name for an opposition that has been debated ever since; Nature and Nurture. Peoplesâ⬠¨beliefs about the roles of heredity and environment affect their opinions on anâ⬠¨astonishing range of topics including sports. The nature versus nurture debate not only exists in the sportingRead MoreEssay on Nature Versus Nurture Debate987 Words à |à 4 PagesThe nature versus nurture debate is one of the oldest and most controversial issues in Psychology. The nature versus nurture debate revolves around the contributions of genetic factors and environmental factors to human development. The primary method of attempting to determine which of these effects human development the most has been cross-cultural studies. Cross-cultural studies are studies conducted across more than one culture, based on the assumption that the differences between cultures geneticallyRead MoreNature vs. Nurt ure818 Words à |à 3 PagesNature Versus Nurture Introduction: There are few mysteries that are greater or provoke more debate than that which dictates human individuality. Sociologists, psychologists and genealogists have long argued over the roles played by the inherent genetic and biological features of an individual and the environmental, contextual and experiential realities surrounding the individual where the development of personality, ability and orientation are concerned. This underscores the debate between natureRead MoreDavid Moore s On Nature Vs. Nurture1230 Words à |à 5 PagesRyan Babakhani Anthropology 423 Christina Campbell October 9, 2017 David Mooreââ¬â¢s Take on Nature vs. Nurture Traditionally, studies of various organisms have highlighted the importance of genetics as the main determinant of the traits and behaviors that characterize them. This goes back to the Darwinian Theory, which categorized beauty and glamour as results of ââ¬Å"goodâ⬠genes and the existence of evil and depression as consequences of ââ¬Å"badâ⬠genes. The idea that genes are the critical determining factorRead MoreNature Vs. Nurture : A Debate Within Psychology1344 Words à |à 6 Pages1 Kaeezs Mark Lee F. Tonda PSY 100 Nature Vs. Nurture There s a debate within psychology about whether certain aspects of behavior are genetic or learned characteristics. Certain physical characteristics are genetic, like color of eyes, hair type, and skin color. Other things like driving, talking, or tying your shoes are learned. People wonder if personality and mental abilities are genetic or learned. There are good arguments for both the nurture, and nature side of these three issues: intelligence
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